Upgrade your #Roblox gameplay with Crosshair X! 🎯 Our custom crosshair overlay allows you to take - thinkfaststudio.com

Upgrade your #Roblox gameplay with Crosshair X! 🎯 Our custom crosshair overlay allows you to take

Centerpoint Gaming
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Upgrade your #Roblox gameplay with Crosshair X! 🎯 Our custom crosshair overlay allows you to take your game to the next level. #CrosshairX


  1. how do you make it so it follows your mouse instead?

  2. who does it cost 7.99$ can it be free?? because i have 0 money and i want to change my crosshair.

  3. This is the biggest scam. It doesn't even work in the first person, and it costs 7$. Wth

  4. bro is 7.99 i aint buying itπŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€

  5. does using crosshairs trigger byfron or any anti cheat on roblox ?

  6. Wait, even roblox? Ok now you guys made me invest

  7. Bro u can get a image and save it and than go to open file Location than countets and than textures go to cusors than key Board mouse and paste it delete other ones name them ArrowFarCursor next one is ArrowCursor than next is IBeamCursor and ur done its not that hard insead of paying money u can do it for free

  8. Can u get banned on roblox for using a crosshair

  9. Who in the hell would spend 5.79 on a Crosshair cough Tanqr and TinyDude

  10. why would i pay money for a chrosshair im not dumb skull


  12. this app is so ass it doesn't even follow your mouse. AND ITS 8 BUCKS??? Do not buy.

  13. It’s a scam I can just change it in the files

  14. i can do this shit for free in the roblox files πŸ’€πŸ’€

  15. I am not paying that dude WTH do i need to pay for a little crosshair?

  16. I love how he didnt mention its for money

  17. Im not spending my lunch money on this im broke asf

  18. You can already make a custom crosshair already in the settings πŸ’€

  19. im not spending money dumbass id rather buy robux

  20. why does it have to be money? It’s just a crosshair.

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