Trying Free Online Browser Drawing Programs... -

Trying Free Online Browser Drawing Programs…

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Turns out the program did have pressure sensitivity! Its… just not that good.

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Music for Video : LAKEY INSPIRED – Warm Nights



  1. Just so u know kleki has a fill tool you have to click on the brush to open it

  2. kleki i use before this it has so much stuff now

  3. I would love to make Kleki the only website I use but I would so love if they could make a slicing option where we can go around a area and that area will be in a box and we can move that area in the box or copy it so we could paste it and move that one. But they don’t have that so I’m looking for new things.

  4. KLEKI does have pressure sensitivity at least for my tablet

  5. I kinda like Kleki! If you can't get free software like Krita or Autodesk Sketchbook, it's doable, edit: Hmm, for me Kleki's pressure was just as good as CSP, you could get a very big difference in your line. maybe there was an update!

  6. kleki has a fill you have to hit the paint brush

  7. Also everyone, please consider donating to Kleki so that the site stays up.

  8. I am absolutely in love with your channel but noticed you are not posting anymore 🙁 please continue i just found your channel

  9. Sucks that my school finds it necessary to block Kleki.

  10. Can U Do A Tutorial On How To Draw With Kleki

  11. kleki DOES have pressure sensitivity I used it before this video

  12. I use kleki, people that donate please continue so the sight stays up

  13. Kleki is good BUT when you zoom in it pixleted

  14. There is actually an fill option in kleki, You have to click the paintbrush and then the fill option will be there.

  15. Kleki … the one and only software I use for all my drawings

  16. I use kleki everyday. I hope the site stays up.

  17. I love how my school blocks drawing programs yet not literal hentai sites

  18. The fill brush on kleki is on the top were is has the big paint brush not the bottom with the different types

  19. @Sinnin try PaintBerri it supports electrical drawing tablet and can be used in a web browser too!

  20. Kleki does have a fill tool, u just click on the paint brush, and theres a fill tool and shape tool

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