Root Bluestacks 5 (No downloads, x64/x32) | LATEST | Working 2023 -

Root Bluestacks 5 (No downloads, x64/x32) | LATEST | Working 2023

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Have Bluestacks 5, but want to root your Android virtual device so you can do more with it, but find yourself confused? Want to root an x64 device, but can’t find tutorials? Welcome to the best, simplest rooting guide for Bluestacks 5 on the internet. This is a “full version” video, not a video on the beta – and includes info on installs in other directories.

Root Bluestacks 4 (old video):

0:00 – Explanation
0:26 – Rooting Bluestacks x32 and x64: What’s different?
1:00 – Finding Bluestacks settings file
2:18 – Rooting Bluestacks 5 x32 & x64
3:50 – Testing Bluestacks 5 Root (it works)

#Blustacks5 #Root #FullVersion
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Everything in this video is my personal opinion and experience, and should not be considered professional advice. Always do your own research and make sure what you’re doing is safe.