10 Amazing Full FREE 2D Sonic Fan Games! – All Links Provided
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hello there and welcome to the video.
In this one we will be taking a look at 10 insanely good 2D Sonic Fan Games that are available right now and are completely free.
All links are provided down below.
Please let me know if you have ever played any of these and if you found any new ones that you like from this video.
Feel free to suggest any that I may have missed.
Other than that thanks for watching and please like and sub for more videos like this.
*** 10. Eggman Hates Furries (Download Page) ***
Eggman Hates Furries Longplay (Sonic Overtime Channel)
*** 9. Sonic Time Twisted (Download Page) ***
Sonic Time Twisted Longplay (SonixFan Channel)
*** 8. Sonic EYX (Download Page) ***
My Sonic.EYX Longplay
*** 7. Sonic Before the Sequel Plus (Download Page) ***
Sonic Before the Sequel Plus Longplay (Jaypin Channel)
*** 6. Sonic After the Sequel Omega (Download Page) ***
Sonic After the Sequel Longplay (sonic Fan 2004 Channel)
*** 5. Sonic Classic 2 Download Page ***
Sonic Classic 2 – Fang Longplay (Jaypin Channel)
*** 4. Sonic 3d in 2d Download Page ***
Sonic 3d in 2d – Shadow Longplay (Jaypin Channel)
*** 3. Sonic Delta Next Install Guide Video ***
My Sonic Delta Next Longplay (5 Hours)
*** 2. Sonic Triple Trouble 16-Bit Install Guide Video ***
My Sonic Triple Trouble Longplay
*** Honourable Mentions ***
Sonic 2 HD Demo Download Page
Sonic Robo Blast 2 Download Page
*** 1. Sonic and the Fallen Star Install Guide Video ***
My Sonic and the Fallen Star Longplay
00:00 Welcome to the Video
01:58 Eggman Hates Furries
02:57 Sonic: Time Twisted
04:00 Sonic.EYX
04:37 Sonic: Before the Sequel Plus
05:29 Sonic: After the Sequel Omega
06:16 Sonic Classic 2
07:47 Sonic 3D in 2D
08:45 Sonic Delta Next
11:20 Sonic Triple Trouble 16-Bit
13:41 Shameless Plug
14:08 HM Sonic 2 HD
15:16 HM Sonic Robo Blast 2
16:29 HM Sonic 3 AIR
17:32 Sonic and the Fallen Star
20:15 Special Thanks and Outro
where can i play these games
Sonic galactic
all sonic fan games are free, even all of omens is now free
I think another honourable mention should be Sonic Chrono Adventure, it's quite a different style of 2D Sonic game, but it's still pretty fun, and most of the new mechanics are fun, and it's base code served as a basis for Spark The Electric Jester, which is, in my opinion, the best 2D platformer of all time
this video has every game that ive been looking for thanks soo much and enjoy your new sub
Great stuff, just came across this and will be trying a bunch of these! Any new ones since you released this video that you rec?
can you even count sonic robo blast 2 as a 2d game?
I'm jumbo Josh BUH
wizdom :O
I like to play Sonic games since my childhood.
I played almost all of Sonic fan games from this video list.
I heard about Sonic and the Fallen Star fan game, I should try out and play. 🙂
how many of these can you get on xbox? i know time twisted can be played on xbox but what about the others?
I’ve tried every sonic fan game here except sonic time twisted, I’ll give it a try
eggman hates furries crashes on startup for me
any fixes??
Same as you. 1st game, eternal love. Born 81…
I didn’t play them because they’re not free for me
Some of these fan games are so good that they really can be compared to official titles. I'm not going to say "hire this guy", as is so often repeated in comments sections for fan games, but I do wonder if it would be possible for Sega to ever buy any of these from their creators, basically pay them for the time they already put into it, and then turn them into official releases. They are honestly that good. My favorites are Sonic Classic 2, Triple Trouble, Fallen Star, and Time Twisted. They are incredible. There are also some really good rom hacks, like Metal Sonic reloaded which could just use some better special levels, or Sonic 2 advanced edit, which feels like a completely new game from Sonic 2, and just needs some special stages and a proper final boss level added and it would be fit for its own complete release too. These fan projects are so amazing that one they are played they become just as beloved as the official titles. Time twisted is a much more fun game overall than Sonic CD for example. These fan games also add so much more variety. I simply have overplayed Sonic 2 levels for example, and getting something like Jupiter Jungle in Sonic Classic 2 really feels new but still high quality. Heck even some of the older fan games like Sonic Classic, the first one, could be rock solid with just a handful of little tweaks.
Its kind of ironic how EYX is scarier than others because they dont just use obvious terror to do so. it uses tight spaces and anticipation beyond other things/
I actully though sonic 3 air is gonna be the best free fan game. I was wrong.
Fun fact: you dont need to buy the Sonic 3 and knuckles rom. Theres a tutorial on youtube where you can get it for free
I am not a fan of Sonic and the fallen star. I made it to the final boss without dying, and then the final boss was impossible. So its one long easy and boring game, then switches to impossible.
Man Cool🔥🤌
how can. you download. a sonic fangames
Every Sonic fan games need to be free or Sega will eventually no longer forgive them making fan games.
How can I download sonic 3D in 2D?
nice channel brother